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Archive for the ‘Kindness’ Category

Be Someone’s Firework!

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag,
Drifting through the wind
Wanting to start again?
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards,
One blow from caving in?    Katy Perry, Firework

Have you heard the song?  Do you know the feelings?  I do, and have much of my life.  The sad thing, is many of our young people are today too because they can’t make the grade and after being beat up emotionally they feel suicide is the only way because of bullying and belittling.  It’s deeply painful and real and it shreads a kid’s self worth to the point that there only seems one way out.

“So, I hear you saying so what can I do?”  “I don’t know any kids that are feeling that way!”  Well, there is something you CAN do!  When you see those young people behind the counter in the restaurants and stores you frequent smile, make an honest compliment – be the bright spot in their day!

How about volunteering at your local library or school for an hour a month to read books, or go to your local school and be a tutor for a kid who needs help reading – reach out and be there.

Maybe just give one kid what you never got as a kid!  Light the fire of confidence by being you – be kind, be caring and be your own firework!!